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Whitmore Emergency Message Group

The purpose of this group is to notify the Whitmore Community with reliable, real time information of Emergency/Disaster Events or Safety Hazards in the Whitmore area.


This group chat, currently only available through Facebook Messenger, is strictly meant for notification purposes only. It is staffed by volunteers who take the time & effort to monitor local events which may affect the Whitmore Community. Every post to this group sends out notifications to nearly 200 people  who expect that a message from this group chat means there is an emergency which may affect them.


During a time of high stress, such as fire season, many people are particularly on edge, with good reason, and non-emergency  notifications from this group can become quite frustrating. We do understand that mistakes happen, and group administrators have been guilty of them  ourselves, but we all should continue to make every effort to avoid creating undue stress and worry. A set of guidelines & rules have been established to help guide the group as efficiently as possible to ensure the community is well informed with accurate information, in a timely manner during the chaos of an emergency situation.


The ultimate goal of this group is to keep the community informed and safe.

Opinions, speculation, arguments, rants and chit chat have no place in this forum & must be kept to private messages or your own Facebook page.



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Your participation and awareness are part of what makes this group work… so we’d like to take a moment to thank you for being a part of this group and doing your part to keep this community safe. If you are not a member of this group but would like more information or to be added to the group chat, please contact Tania @ (530) 472-3216 or Chris @ (530) 945-2130.

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