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Shasta County Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project
Presented By: The McConnell Foundation


The McConnell Foundation has been awarded multiple grants to mitigate wildfire impacts around Shasta County communities. The goal of the Project is to reduce risk of wildfire along certain critical corridors within high-priority   wild-land urban interface (WUI) areas by reducing hazardous fuels.The main focus of the Foundation’s projects is Hazardous Fuel Reduction. Hazardous fuels reduction aims to reduce the continuity of fuels outside the defensible space zone in order to prevent surface fires from becoming high intensity, high severity crown fires.

Photo Credit: McConnell Foundation

It involves reducing ladder and surface fuels as well as tree crown density by spacing trees and shrubs vertically and horizontally. The longevity of these measures is improved by increasing the height of over-story trees and allowing larger, mature trees to dominate a greater proportion of sites, thereby shading out and controlling under-story fuels.


The fuel treatments will be targeted to reduce fire intensity around communities. Strategically placed fuel treatments not only protect structures and evacuation routes, but also can protect the surrounding wild-lands from human-caused fires initiated in urban areas. Ecological benefits include controlling undesirable vegetation such as invasive species, improvement of wildlife habitat and range land for grazing, and protection of wetlands and riparian corridors. (Excerpt From:


For more details, to obtain an application or for contact information CLICK HERE.

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