Fire Safe Council
Emergency Notification
Have you turned in your information card yet???
Be sure to turn in your phone tree information cards to ensure your name is added to the call list. The W.F.S.C. and our FIREWISE Resident Leaders will be conducting a phone tree drill on the first Monday of every month in order to practice and learn ways to make the process more efficient, your help is needed! Stop by the Whitmore General Store for more information and to get your card completed or
CLICK HERE To download or print your copy of the information card.
Keeping the Whitmore area fire safe and informed through community outreach, education & action through grants, volunteered time & donations of resources.
Community Quick Links
Choose a link below for quick access to local news, weather, fire and safety information.
CODE RED Emergency Notifications
Cell Phone & Landline Registration
Live Feed Scanner
Evacuation Tips & Info
Local Emergency Contacts
Fire-Police-Medical Emergency: 9-1-1
Shasta Co. Sheriff
Non-Emergency Dispatch
(530) 245-6540
Shasta Co. Animal Control
(530) 245-6065
CHP - Northern Division: Redding
(530) 225-0500
Shasta/Trinity CAL-FIRE
(530) 225-2418
Governor's Office Of Emergency Services
(530) 347-6494
CA Department of Fish & Wildlife
(530) 225-2300
About Us...
The Whitmore Fire Safe Council is a community-based fire education & prevention group chartered by the Whitmore Volunteer Fire Department.
Our goal is to help the residents of Whitmore and immediate surrounding areas become fire ready through continuing education, by improving our property's defensible spaces, establishing and providing maps for escape routes and evacuation centers and to maximize communication to give timely alerts of pending hazards and/or evacuations.
Get Involved
W.F.S.C. executive board and general community members have met regularly over the last three and a half years to establish procedures that would make our goals possible. We welcome and encourage community participation at our meetings and with upcoming projects in brush clearing and fire prevention.
Please check back soon for updates on upcoming projects and ways you can contribute.